America's most ungrateful friends
(too old to reply)
2006-03-09 19:15:43 UTC

U.N. Report Card: Handful of Nations Stand with U.S.
The exclusive NewsMax annual feature "United Nations Report
Card" reveals that when it comes to supporting the U.S. on key
issues, almost every nation in the world body gets a failing

NewsMax examined 12 key General Assembly votes taken on issues of
critical importance to the U.S., and found that only four
countries - Israel and the Pacific Ocean nations of Palau,
Micronesia and Marshall Islands sided with the U.S. on most of
the issues.

The rest of the U.N. members voted against the U.S. position the
vast majority of the time, and dozens of countries voted along
with America ZERO PERCENT of the time.
These nations include some of the biggest recipients of U.S.
foreign aid, which in some cases amounts to hundreds of millions
of dollars a year.

Here's a run down of America's most ungrateful friends:
Turkey receives $1.007 Billion a year from the U.S., not
including military assistance. Number of times Turkey voted along
with the U.S. on the 12 key issues: 0 Percent.
Ethiopia receives $594 million. Number of times it voted along
with the U.S.: 0 percent.

Colombia receives $524 million, Egypt gets $460 million, Jordan
pockets $224 million and Peru receives $229 million. Number of
times these nations voted along with the U.S.: 0 percent.
Even some of America's closest allies voted against U.S.
interests. France, Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea, for
example, all sided with the U.S. on just 8 percent of the votes.

The issues voted on included a resolution calling for the U.S. -
which shoulders 22 percent of the total U.N. budget - to lift its
embargo against communist Cuba, another seeking the immediate
withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian territory, and a treaty
that would ultimately call for the U.S. to dismantle its nuclear

NewsMax Magazine will chronicle the General Assembly votes each
year, exposing the "most ungrateful" nations - countries that
take Americans' tax dollars, then oppose the U.S. when voting on
key issues.

The blockbuster NewsMax report also features a look at "The
U.N.'s Great Follies," including:

* The U.N. voted to remove its forces from Rwanda in the
early days of tribal conflicts there. Result: More than 900,000
Tutsis were slaughtered in April 1994.

* The Iraqi people were defrauded of at least $1.8 billion in
revenue from the oil-for-food program designed to alleviate
civilian suffering resulting from sanctions against the Saddam
Hussein regime. Alleged wrongdoers included the U.N. secretariat.

* Sudan won re-election to the U.S. Commission on Human
Rights in 2004 despite potentially genocidal atrocities in the
Darfur region.

* U.N. peacekeepers in the Congo allegedly used food and
money to pay for sex with girls as young as 12.

The eye-opening "United Nations Report Card" appears in the March
issue of NewsMax Magazine.


"Get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S."

2006-03-10 07:54:25 UTC
Post by UN-OUT
NewsMax Magazine will chronicle the General Assembly votes each
year, exposing the "most ungrateful" nations - countries that
take Americans' tax dollars, then oppose the U.S. when voting on
key issues.
It's good to see that not everybody can be bought with money.

Quite fankly I think the US needs to quit being the dependable source of
welfare for other governments, espically their militaries.
